Information security is not a product that can be purchased off the shelf, but it should consist of policy, people, process and technology.

Eagle - Employee Monitoring Software
Eagle is a powerful keylogger application developed by the Filanza Research Labs for the monitoring and administration of computer networks. This tool allows administrators to monitor the keystrokes on a machine to keep track of the activities being done on system. It is ideal for environments where the actions of children/students/employees need to be under surveillance..
Padmavyuha - Information Security Architecture
Information security is not a product that can be purchased off the shelf, but it should consist of policy, people, process and technology. Padmavyuha will define a complete package that combines the customization of platforms and security schema on the network and its nodes along with the training of personnel and formulation of security policies, to build a unique information security model for an organization. Unlike existent models, Padmavyuha considers all elements of significance in a computing environment to work towards ideal security.